Communication is a vitally important part of any successful relationship. However, communication isn’t just discussing your feelings. A lot of the most important communication is nonverbal. That communication is how we express our love to one and other. The thing is, we don’t all speak the same love language. There are 5 primary love languages and we’d like to explain how they work so that you and your partner can communicate your love effectively.
The reason love languages are so important is because, if you don’t know how to speak or read a love language that isn’t your own, you may not know how to communicate your love to your partner in a way they understand. You might also be missing signals that they love you back! If someone spoke to you in a foreign language, you wouldn’t be able to understand what they’re telling you no matter how much energy they put into speaking to you. The same goes for the 5 primary love languages:
Physical Touch
If physical touch is your love language, you feel loved when your partner gives you a warm hug. Holding hands may fill you with softness and a gentle kiss might fill you with butterflies. Sex is also very important to many with a physical touch love language. It’s a way of communicating how well your partner knows you and wants to be near you intimately.
Words of Affirmation
If words of affirmation is your love language, you feel loved when your partner tells you how beautiful you are. You feel appreciated when your partner tells you how smart it was of you to pack a lunch for your walk in the park. The things that make you feel seen and loved by your partner are the words used to compliment and affirm that they recognize your value as a person.
Quality Time
If quality time is your love language, you feel loved when your partner asks to watch a movie with you. If movies aren’t your thing, it might be board games or reading together or going for a walk. You just know that it fills your heart with joy when your partner wants to do something together. Their desire to spend time with you says it all.
Gift Giving
Gift giving isn’t all about monetary value. If gift giving is your love language, you feel loved when your partner gives you things. It isn’t necessarily about the pricetag, it’s the thought that counts. To know that your partner saw something and thought of you makes you feel remembered and loved. If they put the time into making you something, you might be overwhelmed with the thought and time that went into their gift.
Acts of Service
If acts of service are your love language, you feel loved when your partner is willing to do something for you. When your partner remembers you’re out of water while they’re in the kitchen and return with a fresh glass, you feel noticed. They’ve been paying attention to your needs. If your partner does the dishes without being asked or picks up those groceries you needed on their way home, you feel loved and cared for.
Now that you know the 5 primary love languages, it’s time you learn what to do with them. Stick around for Part 2. You can even contact us if you’re interested in couple’s therapy.